VGTU Branding

Ši anketa skirta VGTU 2 ir 3 kurso studentams. Norima pažiūrėti ką studentai žino apie VGTU "brandingo" vykdoma kompaniją.
Anketos rezultatai yra viešai prieinami

1. Which year student are you?

2.Which faculty you study you study in?

3.Are you aware of VGTU branding campaign?

4.Where did you hear about it?

5.Did the branding campaign affect you?

6.In what way?

7.Do you use facebook?

8.Are you a member of VGTU group in facebook?

9.If you did not hear about VGTU group will you join it now?

10.Do you find all the necessary information for you on VGTU website?

11.What do you miss?

12.If you were a school graduate would you choose VGTU for your studies now?

13.What satisfy you most being a VGTU student?

14.What ways of promotion affect you most?