Mobile phone in daily life

Anketos tikslas issiaiskinti kaip yra naudojami mobilus telefonai gyvenime. tai dalis anglu kalbos projekto. tikiuosi jusu pagalbos :)
Anketos rezultatai yra viešai prieinami

1. How many mobile phones do you have?

2. How many of them do you use?

3. How many SMS messages do you write per day?

4. Do you have a phone with additional abilities?

5. Which functions do you use?

6. How often do you use additional abilities of your phone (MP3, Camera, etc.)?

7. How much money do you spend for mobile service?

8. Which company do you think produces the most comfortable phones for everyday using?

9. How many years do you use a mobile phone in general?

10. Is a design of phone important?