Imigrantų adaptacijos Lietuvoje tyrimas Research about the adaptation of migrants in Lithuania

Hello, I am a student at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies at Mykolas Romeris University. I am conducting research within the framework of my master's thesis in order to identify the role of volunteering in the process of integrating immigrants into Lithuanian society. Immigrants living in Lithuania (non-EU citizens) are invited to participate in the survey. Your sincere answers will help make a significant contribution to the development of social work with migrants. The survey is anonymous, the collected data will be processed and presented in an aggregated form.

Imigrantų adaptacijos Lietuvoje tyrimas Research about the adaptation of migrants in Lithuania
Anketos rezultatai yra prieinami tik anketos autoriui

I INDICATORS OF MIGRANT ADAPTATION. 1) What is your country of birth (write your answer)?

2) What is your nationality (write your answer)?

3) What year did you move to Lithuania (write your answer)?

4) Age. How old are you (write your answer)?

5) Sex. Your gender?

6) Education. What is your educational level? Choose one of the answers

7) Religion. What is your religion? Choose one of the answers

8) Legal status. What is your legal status in Lithuania?

9) Your profession, occupation. Choose one of the answers

1.2 Language knowledge. Using the five-point scale below, mark the option that best describes your situation. What language do you speak?


How well do you know the Lithuanian language?

Not at all
Do you understand Lithuanian?
Do you speak Lithuanian?
Do you read in Lithuanian?
Do you write in Lithuanian?

1.3 Social connections. Who are your close friends? Choose multiple possible answers

Who is in your social circle (acquaintances, work contacts). There are several possible answers

1.4 Content of categories of self-identification. That is your national background? I consider myself part of the nationality

I totally disagree
I partially disagree
I'm not sure/neutral
I partially agree
I completely agree
I consider myself a part of my national group:
a) I consider myself a part of my national group (Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, or another)
b) I am proud to belong to my native ethnic group (Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, or another)
c) I am happy to be part of the national group (Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, etc.)
d) It is important to me to be a part of my national group (Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, or another)
e) Belonging to the original culture of an national group (Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, or another) gives me difficulties
f) The fact that I belong to the culture of my national group (Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, or another) makes me feel uncomfortable.

People can feel like representatives of a certain ethnic group and at the same time representatives of their country. These questions are related to who you perceive yourself to be.

I totally disagree
I partially disagree
I'm not sure/neutral
I partially agree
I completely agree
a) I consider myself a part of Lithuanian culture
b) I am proud a part of Lithuanian culture
c) I am happy to be a part of Lithuanian culture
d) I'm happy to feel like a part of Lithuanian culture
e) Belonging to Lithuanian culture gives me difficulties
f) The fact that I belong to the Lithuanian culture makes me feel uncomfortable.

2.1 Acculturation. Perception of discrimination

I totally disagree
I partially disagree
I'm not sure/neutral
I partially agree
I completely agree
I believe that peoples from my national group treat my ethnic group unfairly and disrespectfully.
I feel that my countrymen do not accept me
I feel like that peoples from my national group have something against me
My that people from my national group insulted me because of my nationality
Because of my nationality, I have been threatened or directly attacked by peoples from my national group

How Lithuanians treat me

I totally disagree
I partially disagree
I'm not sure/neutral
I partially agree
I completely agree
I believe that Lithuanians behave disrespectfully towards my national group.
I feel that Lithuanians do not accept me
I feel like Lithuanians have something against me
Lithuanians insulted me because of my nationality
Lithuanians threatened or insulted me because of my nationality

2.2 Social activity. I am interested in politics

Hardly ever
Donating money to political and public organizations
Signing political petitions
Participating in rallies, processions, demonstrations
Participating in political discussions with friends, family, colleagues

I am interested in local media

Hardly ever
I read local newspapers and news
I watch local TV and listen to radio
I follow the political and social networks of public figures

Do you trust these organizations?

Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania
Government of the Republic of Lithuania
Office of the President
Lithuanian media
Religious organizations
National defense
State Social Insurance Fund
Lithuanian bank

2.3 Acculturation rules: individual level. Using the five-point scale below, mark the option that best describes your situation. Please be as accurate and honest as possible.

I totally disagree
I partially disagree
I'm not sure/neutral
I partially agree
I completely agree
a) I believe that my peoples from my national group should preserve their cultural traditions, and not adapt to Lithuanian traditions.
b) It is not important for me to speak fluently in my native or Lithuanian language.
c) I do not want to attend any mass events organized by Lithuanians or peoples from my national group.
d) I prefer social events in which only my peoples from my national group participate.
e) It is important for me to be fluent in both my native and Lithuanian languages.
f) I prefer social events in which only Lithuanians participate.
g) I believe that it is not important for peoples from my national group to preserve their cultural traditions or adopt Lithuanian traditions.
h) It is more important for me to speak my native language fluently than Lithuanian.
i) I believe that my peoples from my national group should preserve their cultural traditions, but also accept Lithuanians.
j) I believe that my peoples from my national group should adopt the traditions of Lithuanian culture, and not support their own.
k) I prefer to have only Lithuanians as my friends.
l) It is more important for me to speak Lithuanian fluently than to speak my native language.
m) I don't want only Lithuanians among my friends
n) I prefer to be friends with peoples from my national group.
o) I prefer social activities in which both my peoples from my national group and Lithuanians participate.
p) I prefer to have friends - both peoples from my national group and Lithuanians.

II SOCIAL ACTIVITY AND VOLUNTARY ACTIVITY IN LITHUANIA. Have you participated in volunteer activities in Lithuania? (over the last 10 years)

On average, how long have you been volunteering at least once? (if you have participated in more than one organization, combine your experience).

I have volunteered for more than 1 organization.

In what area of volunteering did you participate in Lithuania? Choose multiple possible answers

What was your role in volunteering? Choose multiple possible answers

What did your experience in volunteering give you? Using the five-point scale below, mark the option that best describes your situation.

Strongly disagree
Partly disagree
Not sure/neutral
Partly agree
Strongly agree
By becoming a volunteer, I have acquired new contacts that can help my business or career.
I have improved my language skills.
I feel psychologically better after volunteering.
Volunteering gives me the opportunity to ignore my problems.
Through volunteer work, I have gained experience in communicating with people from different cultures.
As a volunteer, I have expanded my potential career opportunities.
I am doing volunteering because it is my mission, which I believe in.
I build my self-esteem by volunteering.
Through volunteering, I was able to solve some of my personal problems.
Through volunteering, I gained the knowledge I needed for my job.
I am satisfied with my volunteering experience.
My volunteering experience has helped improve my personality.
I was able to make a significant contribution by volunteering and becoming part of the team.
Working as a volunteer, I got to know more about the Lithuanian culture.
Volunteering helps me feel needed.
I believe volunteering is a religious duty.
People close to me really appreciate my volunteer work.