Erasmus students trips

Dear students, this survey want to know your opinion on travel and expenses. The questionnaire is anonymous. Please answer the following questions as directed. Thank you for your cooperation.

Anketos rezultatai yra viešai prieinami

What is your gender?

What is your current age?

Residence (write a country and city where you were born)


What is the average income per month / the size of the Erasmus scholarship?

What is your source of income?

How much of your money per year is paid to travel?

How often do you travel?

Are your resources sufficient and meets your needs?

Which country in Europe often are you going? (indicate)

Have you been to visit the countries that are not on the European continent? If so specified.

Which country in the near future you plan to get there? (indicate)

Which country in the near future you plan to get there? (indicate)

How much money do you spend on one trip?

Touring reasons:

What in particular do you expect from the trip?

What is your most important trip?

Most travel choices influenced by: