Does creativity can be taught? - kopija

Dear respondents,

The survey is created by VilniusTech university student of Creative Industries faculty. In the survey you can expect questions about creativity and its possibility to be taught. As we all know creativity - is the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness.  The goal of the survey is to analyse the opinions of people on the topic and see their responses. Target audience for the survey is people of any gender from 18 and above 65 years old. Your opinions are really important in order to understand how  society feels about creativity, the answers will only be used for the statistics. We guarantee anonymity and confidentiality. 

When answer the question please mark the most suitable option for you, if comment needed please provide. While answering the questions rely on your opinions, experience and beliefs only. The approximate time of the survey is 18-25 minutes. The results of the survey will be possible to find on the website called: If you are satisfied with all the criteria provided you can start filling out the survey.

We hope for sincere and true answers.

Anketos rezultatai yra viešai prieinami

What is your age?

What is your gender?

Please specify your ethnicity

What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?

Which of the following categories best describes your employment status?

Which of the following best describes your current relationship status?

Please choose the subject you liked the most in the school (You can choose few)

Choose what fits best for you

Strongly disagree
Neither disagree or agree
Strongly agree
Creativity is a ''gift'' to some people that can be developed in certain circumstances
A person can demonstrate creativity before aquiring basic skills
Creativity can't be developed

Creativity is better developed:

Your friends think that you are good at:

Choose what fits best for you

Strongly disagree
Neither disagree or agree
Strongly agree
Creativity can be developed if you spend lots of time with creative people
Children are more creative than adults
Creativity can be spot only in arts, music or performance

Creativity might be enhanced by

Developing students' creativity is a key responsibility of

Strongly disagree
Neither disagree or agree
Strongly agree
Arts teachers
Primary teachers
Humanities teachers
Science teachers

Choose what fits best for you

Strongly disagree
Neither disagree or agree
Strongly agree
Creativity should be assessed as part of learning the arts
Different teachers understand creativity differently
Teachers should encourage students' non-standart answers
Teachers tend to only teach towards exam/test
It is difficult for teacher to evaluate students' creativity

Choose what fits best for you

Strongly disagree
Neither disagree or agree
Strongly agree
Students will be more creative if the evaluation methods used now are changed
Students creativity would be enhanced if there would be no exams
Students should have more freedom in giving answers even if teacher does not totally agree with them

Students are less motivated to learn if: