Questionnaire for Sign Language Interpreters

Lithuanian Sign Language Interpreter's Association (LASLI) wants to collect information about sign language interpreter's hourly rated salary and their education in different countries. The main task - to increase sign language interpreter's salary in Lithuania (now it's 2 euros per hour). To reach the goal we need some reasoning arguments about the situation in your country, so we are asking you to fulfill this questionnaire. You can choose one or more answers, depending on the question.

LASLI kindly requests you to spare some of your time and answer few questions. Your responses will help us to improve social security situation in Lithuania for sign language interpreter's.

If you have any questions, or want to share more detailed observable inputs, please contact us via e-mail:

President Ramunė Leonavičienė: [email protected]

Secretary Justina Vertelkaitė: [email protected]

Questionnaire for Sign Language Interpreters
Anketos rezultatai yra prieinami tik anketos autoriui

What country are you from?

Is there any Sign Language Interpreter’s Association in your country?

How many official Sign language interpreters are there in your country?

How many Deaf and hard of hearing people approximately are there in your country?

What institutions provide sign language interpreters service in your country?

From where comes the salary of sign language interpreter in your country?

If the customer is charged for sign language interpreter‘s service, what fee (in euros) does he pay per hour?

Does the fee for sign language interpreter‘s service depends on the nature of translation? (For example, does the fee is different or the same if the service is provided in a conference or in a medical care institution, and etc.?) If so, please, write it down some examples of the charged service fee, depending on where it takes place.

What common education do sign language interpreters have or can get in your country?

Are there deaf interpreters in your country?

What common education do DEAF sign language interpreters have or can get in your country?

Which social guarantees does sign language interpreters have in your country?